My name is Marcus Ionescu and I’m the founder and host of The Podder’s House; the podcast where I, along with a guest, discuss how biblical topics, church life, and current events impact our everyday lives. 


In late spring of 2020, the Lord stirred in me a desire to start this podcast ministry, in a time where the world was burdened with fear and confusion, and the church was put to the test. Though I’ve served and continue to serve at my home church in Southern California, this ministry was a new frontier of sorts, for both myself and the community, but the Lord blessed each and every step of the way. As we’ve progressed with episodes, merchandise, and fundraisers, I give all glory to God, the founder and perfecter of my faith; He who establishes my steps, for His mercy, His grace and His guidance thus far. I’d like to thank all of you for your prayers and support! May the Lord abundantly bless you!

Contact Marcus for more info.